Remarkably, several studies have shown benefit using a topical preparation of vitamin B12 for atopic dermatitis:
Stücker M, Pieck C, Stoerb C, Niedner R, Hartung J, Altmeyer P. Topical vitamin B12—a new therapeutic approach in atopic dermatitis—evaluation of efficacy and tolerability in a randomized placebo‐controlled multicentre clinical trial. British Journal of Dermatology. 2004 May;150(5):977-83.
Januchowski R. Evaluation of topical vitamin B12 for the treatment of childhood eczema. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2009 Apr 1;15(4):387-9.
We have developed a version of B12 cream (that we lovingly refer to as “Pink Magic“) made for our patients in bulk to keep the price down.
In our experience, it is a gentle, well-tolerated cream that can be soothing to the skin and seems to be very safe and well-tolerated.
It can be ordered directly from our office here, without a prescription:
Alternatively, a healthcare professional could write a prescription for a compounding pharmacy as: Please compound vitamin B12 powder into a moisturizer base so that the final concentration is 0.07%.
However, some patients have made it at home! Here is a home recipe if you are a “do-it-yourselfer”:
A mixer
A good quality kitchen scale like this one:
product/B0007GAWRS Vitamin B12 powder like this:
BulkSupplements-com-Vitamin- B12-Methylcobalamin-Grams/dp/ B087LF562P (Please note: This powder is 1% Vitamin B12. It has been diluted and is not PURE Vitamin B12.)
A good quality moisturizer base, such as Vanicream in the 16 oz (454 gram size) like this:
Vanicream-Moisturizing- Sensitive-Irritated- Dermatologist/dp/B000NWGCZ2
On a quality kitchen scale, weigh out 32 grams of the powder. (Note: this = 0.32 grams of actual vitamin B12 if using the above preparation)
Now add in the moisturizer base until the scale reads 454 grams total. (there will be some moisturizer left in the jar)
Remove it from the scale and use a mixer to mix it together thoroughly. It should be a light pink color.
It is best to keep it in the fridge in a sealed container. It should be good for at least 2 weeks.
You can then try applying it 2-3 times daily to the areas.
While this appears relatively safe, like with any new product it is always important to talk to your healthcare professional before trying new products.